Tuesday, December 31, 2024

How to Remove FileOpen DRM Protection from PDF?


If you want to remove FileOpen DRM protection from a PDF, follow these steps. Note that this method will only work on a system that already has the necessary permissions to open the DRM-protected PDF.

Manual Method-

Download De_DRM_tools from here

Unzip De_DRM_tools-master.zip

Within the new folder DeDRM_tools-master, navigate to \Other_Tools\Tetrachroma_FileOpen_ineptpdf

Right click and open the file ineptpdf_8.4.51.pyw 

Additional files to install are-

1)Python 2.7 download here


3)PyWin extension

4)FileOpen plugin

• Open Command Line in the folder C:\Python27\Scripts -> This can be done by navigating to C:\Python27, hold shift, right click on Scripts and press 'Open command window here'

•To install PyCrypto, type pip install pycryptodome

• To install the PyWin extension, type pip install pywin32

• To install the FileOpen plugin, go to https://plugin.fileopen.com/ and install the latest version

• Navigate back to the folder C:\Users\XX\Downloads\DeDRM_tools-master\Other_Tools\Tetrachroma_FileOpen_ineptpdf

• Right click on ineptpdf_8.4.51.pyw

• Navigate to line 2285 and change the value of x in 'self.fileopen['Build']='x' to the build number as shown on the FileOpen plugin page (Windows Installer link)

• Double click on ineptpdf_8.4.51.pyw

• Ignore the Password or Key file box, press the dots to add an input file, type the name of the decrypted output file and press decrypt.

• Decrypted file will appear at C:\Users\XX\Downloads\DeDRM_tools-master\Other_Tools\Tetrachroma_FileOpen_ineptpdf

If you required exe file & dont want to install python & dependency , just comment here, I will share the same.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to install and use Veil-Catapult in backtrack?

Today we are gonna talk about Veil-Catapult.Veil-Catapult is payload delivery for when metasploit’s psexec getting caught by AV.It utilizes Veil-Evasion to generate AV-evading binaries, impacket to upload/host the binaries, and the passing-the-hash toolkit to trigger execution.It officially supported on kali linux only.I`m going to show you how to install Veil-Catapult in backtrack?

First if you have not already installed veil-evasion framework then first install it as mentioned here.After installing Veil-evasion follow steps.

root@bt:~wget https://github.com/Veil-Framework/Veil-Catapult/archive/master.zip

root@bt:~unzip master.zip 

root@bt:~cd Veil-Catapult-master/

root@bt:~sh setup.sh

Now veil-catapult require impacket library & passing the hash toolkit.So setup script try to install PTH suite but we got error.So we have to manually do it.

Install passing the hash.

root@bt:~wget https://passing-the-hash.googlecode.com/files/wmiPTH-1.0-1.deb

root@bt:~wget https://passing-the-hash.googlecode.com/files/winexePTH1.1.0-1.deb

root@bt:~dpkg -i winexePTH1.1.0-1.deb

root@bt:~dpkg -i wmiPTH-1.0-1.deb

If you are using other OS then you have to manually build it as mentioned here .

It installed into the /opt/pth/bin folder , we have to move it into /usr/bin.

root@bt:~# ln -s /opt/pth/bin/wmis /usr/bin/pth-wmis

root@bt:~# ln -s /opt/pth/bin/winexe /usr/bin/pth-winexe

root@bt:~# ln -s /opt/pth/bin/wmic /usr/bin/pth-wmic

Monday, January 6, 2014

Deliver powershell payload using macro.

In past we saw method of direct shell code execution in Ms word or Excel using macro;but if document is closed then we will lose our shell so we have to migrate to other process and sometimes migration is pick up by AV. So in this tutorial we are going to use powershell payload.

Advantages of this method:-

(2)Migration is not needed
(3)AV bypass

(1)First we will generate powershell payload; for this purpose i used SET.You can also used Veil or powersploit.Open SET in terminal & select Social-Engineering Attacks and then Powershell Attack Vectors.Generate Powershell Alphanumeric Shellcode Injector.Fill LHOST & LPORT value.


Our generated powershell payload is located into /root/.set/reports/powershell/. Rename x86_powershell_injection.txt to x32.ps1.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Creating custom username list & wordlist for bruteforciing.

During brute-forcing every time you need custom  password list & username list. Username list is as well as important as password list, it should be unique for every organization.If we use traditional large number of username list , then it will be tedious process.Custom username list also useful in username enumeration.

Creating custom username list:-


During information gathering stage , you may use jigsaw script. It is great script for gathering employees `s details like fullname, position, department, email addresses.You should use script with your jigsaw credential.

some times email address`s initial can be username of employee.So you can get different username from output of jigsaw script.

(2)Username script:-

If you have full name of users then you can use username.py script to generate possible username by using different combination of first name & last name.

I also write bash script which generate possible username using first name, last name & birth date.

Friday, November 29, 2013

XPATH Injection Tutorial

XPath is a language that has been designed and developed to operate on data that is described with XML. The XPath injection allows an attacker to inject XPath elements in a query that uses this language. Some of the possible goals are to bypass authentication or access information in an unauthorized manner.

We are gonna learn using simple example. Download code from here & put it in your local server directory.(Code is created by Amol Naik )

Sample XML Document which we gonna use:-

<!-- Employees Database -->
  <Employee ID="1">
  <Employee ID="2">
  <Employee ID="3">
  <Employee ID="4">

Bypass Authentication:-

Browse to the login.php page; here we can see simple login form.

Bypass Authentication

If the application does not properly filter such input, the tester will be able to inject XPath code and interfere with the query result. For instance, the tester could input the following values:

Username: ' or '1' = '1
Password:  ' or '1' = '1

Bypass Authentication using XPATH injection